Monday, September 24, 2007

Everything Changes...But God...

Everything Changes…
Buildings rise..
…fall into disrepair
…get built anew
…or are torn down.
Stone and mortar…
…crumble and crack
…are filled and stacked again
…or wash away with the rain.
But God never changes.

Everything changes…
People come…
…gather together
…move away
…come back.
People change…
…the young grow to adult
…adults have children
…the old pass away.
But God never changes.

Everything changes…
Towns begin…
…business springs up
…it booms and thrives
…then it declines and sleeps.
Corporate vision…
…gets moved along
…great things happen
…or leaders change and the vision dies.
But God never changes.

Everything changes…
…cling to the vision of Christ
…press in and grow
…become discouraged and distracted.
…come to know Christ
…teach their children
…or forget and children suffer and wander
…then return when they hear God calling them.
Because God never changes.

God is always…
…loving us
…forgiving us
…calling us
…hearing us…
God is the same…

Everything changes…
…Kingdoms rise and fall
…Churches are built and crumble
…People are born and die
…Faith waxes and wanes.
But God…
…Never changes.

By Sheila Gilmore

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